Saturday, October 15, 2011

I hate flying. The more I fly, the more I hate it. No, its not the idea that the plane will blow up, crash and burn. Its more the ‘Omg… does my baggage + carry on weigh less then 25kg?’, ‘Will they perhaps be nice and let me through?’, ‘I hope my visa is valid and all my docs are in place’, ‘Having to remove my laptop, mobile phone, camera, making sure I don’t have more then 10ml of liquids’ etc..

Once you get through all of that, its then the amount of freakin waiting time before boarding the plane AND THEN when you board the plane, you have to wait some more before it freakin moves!! Argh!! So annoying! And the people at the check in counter will always tell u to hurry and go through. Blah blah! Extra whingy cuz I am currently sitting wedged between ppl on my soon to be delayed flight.

Anyways. I am going back to KL for potentially a month! Woop!! Happened quite random actually. My parents just called me and pretty much said since I’m unemployed, I might as well come home to celebrate my niece’s one-month celebration. So I did.

So I will attempt to document my eating/fun adventures here. Might as well share with the world the great food we get here in Malaysia! But first… plane food. Ugh. Hate. Have to say it was quite decent but still. I dug around it like a little mole.

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